Creating Team Wins in PPC: Tools and Tips to Work More Transparently
To all PPC heroes, rock stars, and ninjas: like the wolf in nature, a lone wolf cannot see as much. And wolves hunt in packs, don’t they? Sure, in agency work, a “single lead point of contact” is an important convention. Without a firm, experienced, and comprehensively trained account lead, no account can contend with […]
Google Chess
The marvels of Big Data, machine learning, and (if and when things get that far in any particular endeavor) artificial intelligence have sometimes appeared overstated. When it comes to deploying these to boost marketing efficiency, many marketers wonder if Google is unleashing all of this power to our benefit; and, if so, how can we […]
Growth Hacking Not Required: How Our PPC Team puts New Media Dollars to Work in a White-hot SaaS Market
For the second year running, Page Zero is traveling to Ottawa to attend SaaS North, Canada’s foremost event for founders and investors in software-as-a-service companies. Attendees will network, share the latest trends and tactics, and even “match-make” (from an investment standpoint). There are more dollars chasing good ideas than ever before. That’s good for startups […]
A Simple Solution to the “Facebook Problem”
With the emergence of the Cambridge Analytica fiasco, many observers feel like the moment is ripe for Facebook to take a major fall. Change is certainly in the wind. Facebook, now dimly aware of its limitations, is now virtually begging to be regulated. Facebook should stick to what it knows. Simplify revenue streams and focus on commerce, not propaganda.
Digital Advertising: Fear of the Unknown (The Epidemic)
CPG conglomerates accustomed to “spray-and-pray” ad practices have turned accusatory towards the most highly accountable forms of media of all time. Eliminating PPC ad campaign waste in the form of invalid clicks and underperforming segments etc is crucial. But in successful accounts, hypervigilance around waste gives way to ordinary levels of tightening.
2018 PPC Predictions: Meta-Analysis to Kick off the Year
To kick off the year, we’ve been treated to the usual round of roundups: expert predictions for what to expect in the coming year. For Search Engine Journal, an esteemed list of 25 PPC experts offered their prognostications about what to expect in our rapidly-changing field in 2018 and beyond. Other than my own product idea […]
Three Takeaways from the Nov. 7 “PPC vs. SEO” Session at Pubcon 2017
Last week, with my colleagues Cory Kleinschmidt and Mona Elesseily, I attended and spoke at Pubcon in Las Vegas. To refresh your memory, Pubcon is the tactical digital marketing conference that just won’t die. As other conferences slowly decline due to changing tastes, this one keeps going and going like the Energizer bunny. Sessions are […]
EU Antitrust Ruling: Google vs. Forces Bigger Than Even Itself
Whether it’s in the field of trade, tax, foreign investment, antitrust, culture, or anything else, initiatives that block foreign companies from doing business – while often well-meaning, and sometimes aiming for consumer protection, local justice, or even some international development objective – perhaps fail to realize their own flaws. Primary among them is protectionism. In […]
SEO Firm Spams Awards Ceremony (And Other Tales From Pubcon)
Some things happened at Pubcon, and I’m finally ready to talk about them. No, I wasn’t traumatized — just a bit woozy from the desert heat. A current ad campaign from Bermuda Tourism contends that “some things are better experienced than explained.” That would be an apt way of putting it for Pubcon, and Vegas. […]
Google Announces Premier Partners Designation for Agencies
As a PPC-focused agency, we’ve always hoped that our story would be easy to differentiate from the roughly several million wannabes who would like to dabble a bit in Google AdWords. If that differentiation were to come in part with the blessing of Google itself, we thought, so much the better. Google’s push to encourage […]